What Does Hyles-Anderson College Offer Me,
the Student?

Hyles-Anderson College was established so that pastors, assistant pastors, bus directors, missionaries, music leaders, teachers, and principals may be better equipped to do the work of the Lord. The desire of its founders, staff, and faculty is "that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
(II Timothy 3:17)


The purpose of the college is to train the student to be Spirit-filled, cultured, appropriate, and able to do a first-class work for the Lord.

Here are some emphases at Hyles-Anderson College to help you to be what you ought to be for God:

* Every student receives a Bible-centered education.

* Great soul-winning leaders from across America serve as guest lecturers.

• Each student studies the varied successful ministries of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana.

* The student has the opportunity to be actively engaged in the ministries of the First Baptist Church of Hammond.


These ministries include:

* Sunday School * Promotional Activities
* Evening Bible Study * Rescue Mission Work
* Choirs * Work with the Blind
* Bus Ministry * Jail Ministry
* Soul-winning Visitation * Sailor Ministry
* Benevolent Work * Bible Club Ministry
* Shut-in Work * Ladies' Outreach Ministry
* Church Nursery * Phoster Club
* Spanish Work * Rest Home Ministry
* Deaf Ministry * Housing Project Ministry
* Work with the Educable Slow * Street Preaching
* Youth Work


Furthermore, the students will observe and learn from these church-centered activities:

* Baptismal Service

* Teachers' and Officers' Meetings

* Funerals

* Pulpit Preaching

* Weddings

* Invitations (hundreds saved each week)

* Business Meeting

* Women's Missionary Society

* Soul-Winning Deacons

* Each student is required to go soul winning every week.

* Each student is taught by soul-winning teachers who have successful experience in their fields of teaching.

* Preachers are taught by preachers.

* Chapel services are conducted daily on campus.

* The social life of Hyles-Anderson College includes informal fellowship and well-planned special events such as banquets and parties. Intramural athletics are an important part of campus life. Hyles-Anderson College participates in an active athletics program including football, volleyball, soccer, bowling, basketball, softball, and tennis.

* Each student is expected to live, act, talk, and dress so that at no time will he bring reproach upon the name of Christ. Hyles-Anderson College stands separated by God from worldliness and its likenesses. This college does not tolerate immodest attire on the part of its women nor extremist hairstyles on the part of its men.



The nine-million-dollar campus includes one hundred acres of wooded hills, a beautiful lake, a football field,  a bowling alley, an indoor miniature golf course, a large chapel, modern dormitories, an infirmary, dining facilities, waiting rooms, lounges, shops, a bakery, a library, a print shop, and many other features. Many are connected buildings, attached by heated, naturally lighted hallways. Students do not have to go outside to go from classroom to chapel or to the administrative area, as these buildings and the dormitories are connected by heated hallways. The oldest building was begun in 1958. All the buildings are well-lighted, modern, and both the interior and exterior of many of the buildings are face brick. Visitors have been nearly unanimous in acclaiming it as one of the most beautiful college campuses in America. A 3,000-seat gymnasium is situated near the west side of the college's lake and offers diversified athletic opportunities. The dining hall is a beautiful octagonal building largely made of brick columns and tinted glass and will seat over 1,400 for a meal. The addition of Roloff Park, the Hall of Memories, and Beverly Gardens provides places to pray and reflect as well as beautiful scenery.


The security and serenity of the college campus is protected by our fine staff of security personnel. This department is headed by our security chief, Brother Mark Crockett, who has over fifteen years of experience in law enforcement. Our security staff has been repeatedly recognized as one of the finest maintained by any private organization in this area. Hyles-Anderson College's closed campus policy provides a wholesome atmosphere where only students and approved visitors are on the campus. Also for the student's safety, lady security personnel patrol the halls of the ladies' dormitories to inspect for possible fires or other emergencies.


Students may stroll and hike through the wooded campus and study while overlooking a beautiful lake with an attractive island in the center. The campus is away from the busy urban life of the Chicago area, and yet it is only a twenty-five minute drive from the First Baptist Church of Hammond in downtown Hammond and less than a one-hour drive from downtown Chicago.



* SOUL WINNING - Activities for personal soul winning take place each week.

* PRIVATE DEVOTIONS - Each student is to maintain his own personal life with the Lord through Bible reading and prayer.

* CHAPEL- Attendance at chapel is required. A variety of speakers to challenge the heart preach from the Hyles-Anderson College platform.

* CLASSES - Hyles-Anderson College conducts all classes in an atmosphere that promotes spiritual growth and maturity along with academic knowledge. Hence, each class, meal, and meeting begin with prayer.

* ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES are an important part of campus life. Hyles-Anderson College participates in an active intramural sports program including flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, and soccer.

* MUSIC GROUPS provide an unusual service to the college. The concert choir, band, ensembles and other groups give the students an opportunity to participate in various levels of music. These groups give the student a valuable experience in the field of music. They provide an outlet for the student's relaxation and give him an opportunity to be a blessing to others.

* CHRISTIAN SERVICE is required each week for each student. This service is done under the supervision of the Co-President.



Hyles-Anderson College requires that all single men and women live in dormitories except those living with their parents or those with written permission from the Administration. There is a $1,100 charge per semester for room and board. A deposit of $30 is required of all applicants for the reservation of a room. This is necessary in order to plan accurately for the incoming student body and to make adequate preparation for living quarters. This deposit is refundable only upon written notification thirty days prior to the first day of registration. It will be applied to the account at the time of registration.


Each student is expected to furnish linens, pillow, bedspread, and blankets for a single bed and should be prepared to share expenses for an ironing board, broom, and trash cans. One needs to bring an iron. Access to washers and dryers is provided. Appliances such as televisions, hot plates, and electric skillets are not permitted. (Radios, small stereo units, lamps, fans, sewing machines, hair dryers, and electric razors maybe used in the dormitories.) Students are welcome to bring some items to decorate their rooms to make them comfortable and homey. It is a school policy that students who have been divorced may not live in the dormitories. Suitable housing is not difficult to find within easy access to the college. Students who have been divorced are not allowed to date other students except for other students who have been divorced or are widowed.


Because Hyles-Anderson is so close to the great Chicago job market, men may find employment rather easily in well-paying jobs. Our staff member, Doctor Phil Sallie, works extensively with each student to find employment to fill the student's needs adequately. Several hundred Hyles-Anderson students are married men who attend school during the days and support their families by working second or third shift jobs in this area. Many dormitory men find part-time employment to meet some or all of their college expenses. Certainly, your skills, experience, and willingness to work will have a definite impact on the wages you earn. Because of the record our students have established for faithfulness, hard work, and honesty, jobs which will meet your needs are available for those who will work hard and persevere.



All single students who wish to live off campus, except those living with their parents, must request permission to do so from the Administration. This request should be submitted in writing thirty days before the student registers. It should be sent to the attention of Mr. Borsh's office. Please include in the letter of request some information concerning with whom you would like to live and your relationship to them.



Each student who owns, maintains, or operates an automobile in or around the campus must register the automobile with the Security Office within forty-eight hours of arrival on campus. Every automobile operated by students must display a registration decal.


The school reserves the right to restrict the use of an automobile by any student if the use of the automobile is thought to be detrimental to the academic achievement of the student or if the student has abused the privilege of operating an automobile. A $25 fee is required each semester for each vehicle registered.



All wives of Hyles-Anderson students are provided a special program to help meet their needs because they are also a part of the college family. Hylander Wives' Fellowship is held every second and fourth Tuesday evening of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the college. Mrs. Jack Hyles is in charge of these meetings. Subjects pertinent to leaders' wives are discussed. The meetings are closed with refreshments and fellowship. This time of fellowship affords a wonderful opportunity to make new friends who will last a lifetime. A nursery is provided for these fellowships.


As a Hylander wife, you can learn to be a successful leader's wife, you will be challenged as a Christian, and you will receive practical helps on how to be a better wife and mother.


Hyles-Anderson College maintains a well supplied clinic and infirmary. The clinic is open to all students, and the infirmary is available for dormitory students. The clinic and infirmary are under the direction of Mrs. Kris Grafton. Mrs. Grafton, who is a registered nurse, received her training at the St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital School of Nursing in St. Paul, Minnesota. Before coming to Hyles-Anderson College, she worked for the University of Minnesota Hospitals in the intensive care unit and has a total of 23 years of nursing experience. Mrs. Grafton and her capable staff of nurses have years of experience in a variety of areas.


Dr. Dennis Streeter is a local physician who volunteers his time in order to help the students. Numerous specialists and doctors are located in the Calumet area. There are three hospitals within a fifteen-minute drive of the college. There are also several major medical centers in the Chicagoland area.



All full-time students and part-time dormitory students are required to have hospitalization and surgical insurance. Hyles-Anderson College provides a plan which is available for all students, or the student may provide his own. Before registration can be completed, the insurance premium must be paid, or proof of coverage must be given. The single student premium is $285 per year. The student and spouse premium is $855 per year. The student, spouse, and children premium is $1,425 per year. The student and children premium is $855 per year. These prices are subject to change without notice.



Hyles-Anderson College sponsors the Hylander Club for high school students. Those high school students who are coming to Hyles-Anderson College upon graduation may join this club at no charge. Benefits include a club card, discounts when visiting the college's bookstore and snack shop, and a discount in tuition based on years enrolled in the club. For further information please contact:


Mrs. April Cuozzo
Hyles-Anderson College
8400 Burr Street
Crown Point, IN 46307

Hyles-Anderson College