Hyles-Anderson College in the fall...

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 Images/bc.jpg (55865 bytes) I felt so welcome when I went to take these pictures, they have a reserved parking space just for me!

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hac3.jpg (56533 bytes)ha 24.jpg (44858 bytes)ha 22.jpg (43846 bytes)ha 26.jpg (50206 bytes)ha 29.jpg (57206 bytes)ha 28.jpg (75775 bytes)hac2.jpg (40279 bytes)ha 20.jpg (72016 bytes)

ha 23.jpg (58071 bytes)hac4.jpg (41137 bytes)ha 27.jpg (56585 bytes)hac6.jpg (45317 bytes)hac5.jpg (55057 bytes)hac7.jpg (57384 bytes)hac10.jpg (60199 bytes)hac9.jpg (37322 bytes)

It is a beautiful place!!!!!
