First Baptist Church

Hammond, Indiana

Sunday School Lesson

The Good Samaritan


INTRODUCTION: This new series of lessons will deal with the parables in the New Testament. Since this is the first one, we will discuss one of the most familiar, and that is the parable of the good Samaritan, as found in Luke 10:25-38.


AIM: to teach my pupils the story of the good Samaritan, what it means, and how they can be good neighbors.


POINT OF CONTACT: Especially would this point of contact be wise for the younger groups. Why not act the story out first? It would take only five people. It would take someone to be injured, a Levite, a priest, a Samaritan and an innkeeper. The lessons points could be taught during the acting out, or it could be acted out first and then reviewed.



1. We are taught to love our neighbors. Jesus had been questioned by a lawyer. He had told the lawyer that he should love the Lord God with all his heart, soul, strength and mind, and his neighbor as himself. The lawyer tried to trick Jesus by asking him who was his neighbor. Jesus used the parable to show him who his neighbor is. Our neighbor is anyone, especially anyone who needs our help.

2. We are to help others. So many things the Bible says we are to do to others: We are to love others, prefer others, care for others, help others, pray for others, bless others, win others, etc.

3. We are to help other races. You will notice that the man was a Samaritan. The Samaritans were hated by the Jews. In fact, the Jews would go miles out of their way to keep from crossing Samaria, for they looked down on the Samaritans. We are to help people of all races.

4. We are to help our enemies. In spite of the fact that the Samaritan was hated by the Jews and considered himself an enemy of the Jews, he helped him. The Bible teaches us to love those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who despitefully use us. The word "bless" in the aforementioned Scripture means to "do things for them." In other words, we are to help our enemies.

5. We are to help those whom no one else helps. Here was a man for whom the priest and Levite had no time. The Samaritan did. We are to help those who have gone so far that no one else will help them.


II. SALVATION IN THIS STORY. There is probably no parable in all the Bible which offers such a picture of salvation as this one. Let us notice the different points in Luke 10:30-35.

1. "A certain man...," Luke 10:30. In other words, this man represents the entire human race.

2. "...went down...." Here is the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

3. "...from Jerusalem to Jericho...." Jerusalem was a place of blessing. Jericho was a place of cursing. This pictures man's fall in the Garden of Eden from a place of blessing to a place of cursing.

4. "...and fell among thieves...." This represents Adam and Eve falling among the biggest thief of all, Satan, in the Garden of Eden.

5. "...which stripped him of his raiment...." When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, he realized lie was naked and needed a covering.

6. "...and wounded him Here is a picture of man being wounded by Satan in the Garden of Eden. Sin did this.

7. "...and departed, leaving him half dead." Though man by nature is alive physically, lie is dead spiritually. An unconverted person, though he is alive, is dead.

8. "And by chance there came down a certain priest that way...," Luke 10:3 1. You will notice that the priest could not help him. He was going down the same way. Because all sinners are traveling the same road, one person cannot save another; the preacher cannot save; the church cannot save; the pope cannot save; the priest cannot save; the rabbi cannot save. All men are going down the same road and need saving as much as another.

9. "...and when he saw him, lie passed by on the other side." The priest represents the law. This pictures the fact that the law cannot save fallen man.

10. "And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side," Luke 10:32. The Levite represents the house of God. It was his job to care for the house of God. The house of God cannot save a fallen man, the church cannot, the denomination cannot, a religion cannot.

II. "But a certain Samaritan...," Luke 10:33. This Samaritan represents Jesus Christ.

12. " lie journeyed, came where he was...." Teach the Incarnation here. Jesus canie where we were. He left Heaven and came to earth to us.

13. "...and when he saw him, lie had compassion oii him." When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion.

14. "And went to him...," Luke 10:34. Here is Jesus, coming to each of us, trying to save us from our fallen condition.

15. "...and bound up his wounds...." Here is salvation. Jesus does it all. He binds tip our wounds and saves our souls.

16. "...pouring in oil...." Oil in the Bible symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Here is Jesus. When a person is first converted, he receives the Holy Spirit. Teach the pupils how the Holy Spirit dwells in every Christian. This is certainly an incentive for right living.

17. "...and wine...." Wine in the Bible symbolizes blessings. It does not mean intoxicating wine; it simply means "fruit of the vine." When God pours in oil, then He begins to bless us with wine or spiritual blessings. Ask the pupils to share with you some of the blessings God has given them since they have been saved.

1 8. "...and set him on his own beast...." This is very interesting. The Samaritan came where the man was and then put the man where he had been. Jesus came to earth in order to take us to Heaven. (Talk about Heaven for a while with the pupils.)

19. "...and brought him to an inn...." The inn represents the church. When a person is saved, he needs to come to a church to receive strength.

20. "And on the morrow when lie departed...," Luke 10:35. Here is a picture of the ascension of Jesus Christ. He started the church before He went back to Heaven, and it is our job to reach sinners and care for them in His absence.

21. "...he took out two pence and gave them to the host...." This represents the fact that before Jesus left to go back to Heaven, He paid the price for our salvation.

22. "...and said unto him, Take care of him: and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again...." Here is a picture of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The Samaritan went away but promised to return.

23. "...I will repay thee." Here is the Judgment Seat of Christ. Someday we shall receive rewards for what we have done for others.


CONCLUSION: Any one of the above points would be a good point on which to dwell. A teacher could take ten minutes in discussing the Judgment Seat, Heaven, the incarnation, Calvary where Jesus paid the price, the condition of a lost man, the way Jesus saves us, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, etc. Any of these could certainly consume a lesson.


Sunday School Lessons