First Baptist Church
Hammond, Indiana
Sunday School Lesson


The Bible Versus Evolution


        1. Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." No one knows when this occurred. This is a dateless event. Scientists and others have tried to set a date on the age of the earth; yet all attempts have been in vain.

        2. The word "create" is found only three times in Genesis 1.

        (1) He created the heaven and the earth. Verse 1.

        (2) He created animal life. Verse 21.

        (3) He created human life. Verse 27.

        These are the only times in Genesis where we find the word "create," which means "to make something from nothing." In all other places it reads that "God made." This means that God assembled that which was already created. Hence, we know that these were made from nothing: the heaven and earth, animal life, and man.

        3. Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 no doubt a great catastrophe occurred. The Hebrew word translated "without form" means "ruined." The word "void" means "vacant" or "empty." Thus, verse 2 means that the earth became ruined, vacant, and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

        4. The earth was inhabited before the catastrophe of Genesis 1:2.

            (1) We know that the earth was inhabited before the flood. After the flood God told Noah to "replenish the earth." See Genesis 9:1.

            (2) When God created Adam, He told him to "replenish the earth." Read Genesis 1:28. This means that the same command was given to Adam that was given to Noah. The word "replenish" means "after having been emptied, to stock anew." This seems to indicate that some type of life was on the earth before the creation of man and his contemporaries. This could account for the fossil remains of giant creatures now extinct, like dinosaurs, etc. All of this is in perfect harmony with true science.

        5. The cause of the great catastrophe between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is given in Isaiah 14:12-17 and Luke 10:18. Before man was created, Satan was an angel in Heaven. He was cast out of Heaven and cast to the earth. When he and one third of Heaven’s angels arrived on the earth, an upheaval of enormous magnitude probably took place. This is the record of how sin came into existence. Sin is the most destructive of all forces, and it has destroyed every place where it has been found. No doubt, it was sin that caused the destruction of prehistoric life on the earth.

        6. All of this is in perfect accord with science. In fact, geology itself reveals that some great catastrophe occurred in the distant past when water covered the earth. Paleontology tells us of gigantic living creatures that once lived upon the earth and that suddenly became extinct. No doubt they became extinct because of this catastrophe. In fact, true science never conflicts with the Bible. Much that is CALLED science is only speculation. In 1861 the French Academy of Science published a famous list of "51 scientific facts," all of which contradicted the Bible. Based on these facts, many people ridiculed the Bible. In years since then, every one of these so-called "facts" have been proven wrong by scientific research, yet the Bible remains unchanged.

        7. Concerning the creation of the earth, God has some questions in Job 38:4, 6, 17 and 19. Perhaps scientists would like to answer these.

        8. Whatever God was, man was. Genesis 1:27a, "So God created man in his own image." Any attempt to degenerate primitive man is an attempt to insult God. The word "create" here means "to make something from nothing." Evolutionists tell us that life appeared in the Cambrian period, about one hundred million years ago. The evolution theory asserts that all forms of life gradually developed over long periods of time. In spite of these ideas, billions of fossils give one great united testimony: All forms of life appeared suddenly and perfectly developed and complete. No gradual change is ever indicated.

            (1) Fossils of fish have scales, fins, gills, etc.

            (2) Fossils of birds have feathers, wings, gizzards, etc. They are all perfectly complete.

            (3) The grasshopper glacier in Montana contains millions of grasshoppers frozen before the "ice age." They are exactly like grasshoppers today. There has been no change.

            (4) The mosquitoes fossilized in moss agate that scientists say was made when the earth was young are exactly like mosquitoes today.

            (5) Ants fossilized in amber are exactly like ants today.

            (6) Fish in fossilized form found high in mountains are exactly like fish found in the ocean today.

            (7) Perhaps evolution’s great exhibit is the horse. Found in practically all biology books, the conclusive proof of evolution is supposed to be the horse. The eohippus or "Dawn" horse is supposed to be 50 million years old. He is the size of a fox, has no hoofs on his feet, four toes on his front feet, three toes on his back feet. The Mesohippus horse is supposed to be 25 million years old. There are many other types of prehistoric horses. The argument is that the prehistoric horse was a very small horse. The truth of the matter is that there are all sizes of horses today. In New Mexico at the 1963 State Fair, a horse the size of a dog was exhibited. Perhaps 100 years from now somebody will get his bones and prove he was 100 million years old by science! God’s law, "after his kind," is irrefutable and has never been changed.

        9. If evolution says the evolving is always bigger and upward, why is it that the dinosaur is prehistoric? If the dinosaurs evolved, think how big the present dinosaurs must be! Dr. Willis Lee, an ardent evolutionist of the United States Geological Survey, says, "The dinosaurs were the lineal progenitors of modern fowls, and since the reptile ancestors possessed a gizzard, it is not surprising that their present progeny also possesses the same organ for the reduction of food." Now imagine this! The evolutionists say that the little horse evolved into a big horse; then they turn around and say the 80-ton monster, 90 feet long, is the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of a chicken! Once again, this shows the fallacy of so-called science.

        10. The imperial elephant, a giant skeleton in the Los Angeles Museum that dwarfs any modern day elephant, perhaps could be called "evolution in reverse." The simple truth is, God’s law has been "after his kind." It is the unbreakable law of the microbe world. Millions of generations of germs can be observed under an ordinary microscope. There is absolutely no evidence of their evolution. Diphtheria germs never become yellow fever germs; malaria germs never become tuberculosis germs; polio germs never become meningitis germs. They are all the same. God’s law is "after his kind." The truth is, there may have been prehistoric animals and prehistoric creatures. These were all destroyed when God judged the earth between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. When Adam and Eve were made in the Garden of Eden, they were made just like we are made. In the six days of creation, God made everything "after his kind," and it has been that way from then until now.

      II. THE SO-CALLED PREHISTORIC MAN. Here are some of the ridiculous ideas about prehistoric man.

        1. The Nebraska man. His age is said to be 1,000,000 years. Scientific authority: Dr. H. H. Newell (University of Chicago), Dr. William K. Gregory (American Museum of National History), and Dr. Fairfield Osborn (Great American paleontologist). Using the million-year-old Nebraska man, these scientists ridiculed William Jennings Bryan for his belief in the Bible account of creation during the famous "monkey trial" at Dayton, Tennessee, during the 1920’s. The evidence these men brought was one tooth. From that one tooth, they visualized and reconstructed an entire race of prehistoric men. With just one tooth, they went to court and proclaimed their scientific findings as fact. Several years later the entire skeleton that tooth belonged to was found. It proved most embarrassing to the evolutionists when it was found to be the tooth of a pig.

        2. The Java ape man. Found in 1891 by Dr. Eugene Dubois, an ardent evolutionist, this man is supposed to have been 750,000 years old. He was "proved" by the discovery of a small piece from the top of a skull, the fragment of a thigh bone, and three molar teeth. Before his death, Dr. Dubois himself came to the conclusion that perhaps this was not completely fact. Yet today in nearly every biology book there is a picture of the Java ape man reconstructed from a few disputed fragments of bone with no scientific grounds.

        3. The Heidelburg man. This fellow is about 375,000 years old. The basis of this man was one jawbone. A little plaster of paris here and there, and we have another prehistoric man. Many scientists disagreed as to whether it was a human or an animal jawbone. Yet there the old boy stands in museums and in pictures in biology books for boys and girls as "proof positive" of evolution, and it’s all based on just one jawbone.

        4. Piltdown or "Dawn" man. For about 40 years after the turn of the century, this was evolution’s prize exhibit. He’s over 800,000 years old, they say. There is, once again, a trend away from trying to prove the Piltdown man’s part in evolution. After about 1950 the excitement died down, and it was also a hoax! As in all the other cases, there is absolutely no proof of evolution. If there were such beings, they were not men. They were not of the human race, and they were destroyed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. It is not scientific to accept blindly that such men existed.

        5. Prehistoric cave man. Here again there is absolutely no accurate method of determining his age. There are many primitive people today similar to the so-called prehistoric cave man who live in areas of Australia, New Guinea, South America, etc. These primitive people are not sub-human. There is no evolution here either.


        1. Dr. Eric Wassman says, "The whole hypothetical pedigree of man is not supported by a single fossil genus of a single fossil species."

        2. Dr. Rudolph Birchow says, "The ape man has no existence, and the missing link remains a phantom."

        3. Dr. Austin Clark says, "Missing links are misrepresentations."

        4. Dr. Thomas Dwight of Harvard University says, "The tyranny in this matter of evolution is overwhelming to a degree to which the outsider has no idea. Not only does it influence our manner of thinking, but there is opposition as in the days of terror. How very few of the leaders of the field of science dare to tell the truth as to the state of their own minds! How many of them feel forced in public to do lip service to a cult that they do not believe!"

        5. Dr. Paul Shore, University of Chicago, says, "There is no cause as immune to criticism today as evolution. An ambitious young professor may safely assail Christianity, the Constitution of the United States, George Washington, female chastity, marriage, or private property, but he does not apologize for Bryan. It just is not done."

        6. Arthur Fields, Australian geologist, says, "What is evolution based upon? Upon nothing whatever but faith in the belief of the reality of the unseen, belief in fossils that cannot be produced, belief in geological evidence that does not exist, belief in the breeding experiments that refuse to come off. It is faith unjustified by works. We conclude that evolution is not scientific. It is a false religion of science in opposition to the God of the Bible. It compels otherwise intelligent people to bow at its altars, and thus, they become fools."


Sunday School Lessons